Results for query NAVIGATION PATHs
a representation of a detailed pathway that a PASSENGER may take between two PLACES within a STOP PLACE, or between STOP PLACE, POINT OF INTEREST, etc.
NOTE 1 to entry A NAVIGATION PATH can be made up of an ordered set of PATH LINKS IN SEQUENCE, an ordered set of ACCESSIBLE PLACES IN SEQUENCE or both a POINT or a LINK representation may be useful for different applications.
NOTE 2 to entry There may be multiple NAVIGATION PATHS between the same STOP PLACE COMPONENTS or other PLACES, reflecting different physical paths and with particular ACCESSIBILITY ASSESSMENTS. NAVIGATION PATHS may be predefined, or be computed dynamically from the underlying set of STOP PLACE COMPONENTS and other PLACE and LINK types.
NOTE 3 to entry The same PATH LINK may occur in different sequences in different NAVIGATION PATHS.
a designated path between two places; may include an ordered sequence of PATH LINKs